There is a great need for support in the state of New Jersey as part of our Community Tree Recovery project. In 2012, Superstorm Sandy devastated much of the East Coast. New Jersey residents in particular were not able to escape the shocking damage to many of their communities and homes. Recovery efforts continue to rebuild the area, and the people who live there now need help replenishing their community tree canopies that were lost in this destructive storm. The project will result in replanting tens of thousands of trees greatly needed in these communities.
Trees, sometimes called the “lungs of our cities,” are important because of their ability to remove contaminants from the air. The amount of gaseous pollutants and particulates removed by trees depends on their size and architecture, as well as local meteorology and pollutant concentrations. Along streets, in parking lots, and in commercial areas, locate trees to maximize shade on paving and parked vehicles. Shade trees reduce heat that is stored or reflected by paved surfaces. By cooling streets and parking areas, trees reduce emissions of evaporative hydrocarbons from parked cars and thereby reduce smog formation (Scott et al. 1999). Large trees can shade a greater area than smaller trees, but should be used only where space permits. Remember that a tree needs space for both branches and roots.